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A Year Long Celebration!

Filipino communities throughout the world are preparing to celebrate 500 years of Filipino Catholicism between March 16, 2021 - March 16, 2022. Fr. Ricky and sociologist Dr. Stephen Cherry have just completed a new book on Filipino American Catholicism, "A Treasured Presence" (USCCB). Currently, he is putting together a new collection of Filipino liturgical music (OCP), and composing a joyous new opening song to mark this once-in-a-lifetime event. Now is the time to plan and book a number of events from concerts, workshops, lectures, preaching and liturgies to celebrate this year long celebration!


The following topic events could be adapted to a number of needs including keynote addresses, conference workshops, all day presentations (e.g, Saturday 9am - 3pm), retreats, liturgies and missions.  As a Roman Catholic priest, I am available to preside and/or preach during these events.  For available dates, go to the bottom of this page. Feel free to contact me anytime.

A Treasured Presence:

Celebrating the Gifts of Filipino American Catholics

This presentation provides a general introduction to Filipino American Catholicism from historical, cultural, worship, and pastoral perspectives.  Part One presents a historical overview of Filipino Catholicism, beginning with the arrival of Spanish missionaries in the Philippines in 1521 and continuing with the three waves of Filipino immigration to the U.S. from 1903 to the present.  Part Two examines U.S. Filipino Catholicism through the interconnecting lenses of faith, family dynamics, and parish life.  Part Three highlights particular liturgies, devotions, and worship practices that mark the everyday life of many Filipino Catholics, including Simbang Gabi, Santo Niño, and San Lorenzo Ruiz.  Finally, Part Four calls for more recognition and utilization of the gifts that Filipinos bring to the larger U.S. Catholic Church and society and considers the concern of how future generations of Filipinos will continue these faith practices.

Reflecting Christ's Light:

Celebrating Simbang Gabi in Today's Parish

Simbang Gabi (“night masses” in Filipino) are a sequence of novena masses that have become popular throughout the U.S. The first part of this presentation provides historical background on the development of this novena over the past five centuries.  The second part provides a basic theology of Simbang Gabi which places in conversation the interplay between official liturgy (i.e, the Mass) and popular devotional practices (devotion to Mary).  Finally, the third part presents 10 pastoral principles for liturgical planning, preparation, and celebration, including musical suggestions.  The goal of this presentation is to equip pastoral leaders with necessar tools and to spiritually nourish all other participants toward a more meaningful worship experience. 


A Friday evening concert, followed by a Saturday morning workshop, is the most popular request that I receive.  The concert (approx. 90 mins.) consists of a sequence of 12-14 songs, including new and yet-to-be-published music. Before each song, I break open the spiritual meaning and story behind the text and the music, and I invite the assemby to sing along with me during parts of the song. More than a "concert," I prefer to view this as a prayerful event that leads all those present towards a deeper spiritual renewal.  I prefer to do concerts with an accompanying choir who sings 6 - 8 songs along with me. When the choir is not singing, I lead at the piano by myself or with the help of other instrumentalists, depending on availability. Quite often the choir and instrumentalists already know most of my songs, so this cuts down on rehearsal time. The choir is usually made up of music ministers from the local parish and/or neighboring parishes.

To book an event, feel free to email me:



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