The Liturgy of Life:
The Interrelationship of Sunday Eucharist
and Everyday Worship Practices
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press ( 2014)
Everyday worship practices - from praying the rosary to moments of recognizing the beauty of God's creation, from being moved by the power of music to praying vespers on an iPad - not only take place at different locations and during different days of the week, but also dynamically interact with one another. The Liturgy of Life examines the interrelationship between the practice of Sunday Eucharist and the many non-official worship practices that mark the everyday lives of Christians who continually negotiate the boundaries of official teaching on liturgy. Drawing upon the writings of theologians, sociologists of lived religion, and data from an ethnographic research project, this timely work stretches the contextual horizon of liturgical scholarship and presents a provocative and dynamic paradigm of Christian worship for the twenty-first century.
Endorsements for The Liturgy of Life
"If the liturgy is the 'summit and source' of church life, as Vatican II asserts, what is the relation between it and daily life? Beside the liturgy celebrated in the church, is there the 'liturgy of life'? If so, what is the relation between these two liturgies? This is no ivory-tower disquisition but a life-and-death issue for Christian life. No one is better equipped to help us understand this connection and live it than Ricky Manalo, who brings his mastery of sociology of religion, ritual studies, liturgiology, popular devotions, spirituality, and cultural studies to bear on this complex issue. His book will be of enormous help not only to theologians and liturgists but also to pastoral ministers, especially bishops and priests."
Dr. Peter C. Phan
The Ignacio Ellacuria , S.J. Chair
of Catholic Social Thought
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
"This is a timely, important, and stimulating book. Through ethnographic research and a rereading of key texts of the liturgical movement, Ricky Manalo maps a way toward a broadened understanding of liturgy, namely, as encompassing all worship practices of the faithful. With this, he contributes to overcoming an older, unhelpful division of worship practices into 'liturgy' on the one hand and so-called paraliturgical practices or popular devotions on the other hand (a division that has plagued liturgical scholarship for far too long). I very much appreciate this approach. More power to books like Ricky Manalo's Liturgy of Life."
Teresa M. Berger
Professor of Liturgical Studies & Thomas E. Golden Jr.
Professor of Catholic Theology, Yale Divinity School
"In The Liturgy of Life Ricky Manalo has moved the discussion about the relationship between the official liturgy of the church and popular expressions of the faith into new and very productive territory. By studying questions about liturgy and the real worship experience of “the people in the pews” using an interdisciplinary approach employing theology, history and the social sciences, Fr. Manalo offers new insights that can only benefit pastoral theologians and all those who seek to serve the liturgy."
Mark R. Francis, C.S.V.
President, The Catholic Theological Union
Chicago, IL
"A splendid contribution to contemporary liturgical theology. Ricky Manalo is a refreshing voice who broadens our horizons by reflecting on the lived context of the worship lives of real people. This book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the relation between religion and culture and how a number of disciplines can enrich our appreciation of liturgy as our lives."
John F. Baldovin, S.J.
Professor of Historical & Liturgical Theology
Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
Finalist for the 2015 Excellence in Publishing Awards
by the Association
of Catholic Publishers!

Catherine Vincie, RSHM. Worship 90 (May 2016): 281-282.
Chanting On Our Behalf: A Pastoral Methodology for Presidential Chanting and Musical Leadership. Revised Edition. Portland, OR: Pastoral Press (2015).
First Place Award: 2016 Catholic Press Association
Best E-Book
“Collecting Harmony: Approaching Cultural Diversity for Worship Music Today,” in The Heart of Our Music: Digging Deeper. John Foley, editor. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2015.
"Pastoral Commentary on Varietates Legitimae: The Fourth Instruction for the Right Application of the Conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy (Nos. 37-40),” in The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource, Vol. 4., 214 - 219. Chicago, IL: Liturgy Training Publications, 2013.
“Sing to the Lord: Cultural Perspectives,” Sing to the Lord: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Hovda, 39 - 54. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Pastoral Musicians, 2010.
“The History of Chinese Catholics in the Bay Area,” Asian American Christian Reader,
Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity, 75 - 82. Castro Valley, CA: ISAAC, 2009.
“Expressing Harmony in Faith: Beginning Reflections on Asian Pacific Worship,” The
Song of the Assembly: Pastoral Music in Practice, eds. Bari Colombari and Michael Prendergrast, 79 - 82. Portland, OR: The Pastoral Press, 2007.

"Come to the Feast: Increasing Participation in the Triduum," with contributions by Denise Anderson. Pastoral Liturgy 46:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2015).

Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today's Catholic (Collegeville, MN: Litugical Press).
"Be Opened" (February 14, 2014: St. Cyril and St. Methodius).
"Switching To the Heart" (June 28, 2014, The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary).
"To Share the Vision of Angels" (October 2, 2014, Feast of the Guardian Angels).
"Words That Sing!" (April 22, 2015, Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter).
"With Great Power" (Oct. 19, 2016: Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, and Companions, Memorial)
"A Keen and Open Mind" (April 24, 2017: Monday of Second Week of Easter)
"Take Jesus Seriously" (Nov. 17, 2017: St. Elizabeth of Hungary)
"Show Me": (Sept. 25: Tuesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time)
Sunday Word for Pastoral Musicians (Washington, D.C: National Association for Pastoral Musicians).
December 21, 2008 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
August 20, 2009 (20th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
April 11, 2010 (Second Sunday of Easter)
December 19, 2010 (Fourth Sunday of Adven)
August 21, 2011 (Twentieth-First Sunday in Ordinary Time)
December 18, 2011 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
January 20, 2012 (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time)
June 29, 2014 (Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul)